
Settlement Assistance

Going beyond the Visa process

As an accredited employer, one of your main obligations is ensuring that your migrant staff have access to up-to-date and relevant settlement information. We can assist you with this and have various partners who can provide bespoke and tailored settlement solutions for your staff.

Supporting your staff to support your business

Settlement support is a pivotal component of the employee experience for newcomers to New Zealand. Employers who prioritize and provide robust settlement assistance contribute not only to the well-being of their employees but also to the overall success of their business operations.

Key Elements of Settlement Support

  1. Orientation and Information: Employers offer comprehensive orientation sessions, acquainting employees with local customs, laws, healthcare, education, and essential services.

  2. Housing and Accommodation: Assistance in finding suitable housing, understanding rental agreements, and navigating the housing market eases the transition for employees and their families.

  3. Cultural Integration: Integration programs that promote cross-cultural understanding and inclusivity enable employees to seamlessly integrate into the local community.

  4. Language and Communication: Language support services or classes facilitate effective communication, fostering better workplace interactions and integration.

  5. Networking and Community Engagement: Encouraging participation in community activities, clubs, and social gatherings assists employees in building a local support network.

Benefits of Offering Settlement Support

  • Employee Well-being: Prioritizing settlement assistance enhances employee morale, mental well-being, and work-life balance, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

  • Retention and Loyalty: Employees who feel supported during their settlement journey are more likely to remain loyal to their employer, reducing turnover and recruitment costs.

  • Enhanced Performance: When employees are settled and content, they can focus more on their roles, contributing positively to the company's performance and growth.

  • Positive Brand Image: Companies that provide effective settlement support are seen as socially responsible and attract top talent, enhancing their brand reputation.

  • Cultural Diversity: A diverse workforce fosters innovation and creativity, leading to a richer and more dynamic work environment.

How we can assist with this process

  • Expert Guidance: We possess an in-depth knowledge of immigration laws and regulations, ensuring employers are compliant with visa and work permit requirements.

  • Tailored Solutions: We can customize settlement plans to meet employees' specific needs, addressing language barriers, visa applications, and legal requirements.

  • Obligation Fulfillment: We assist employers in understanding and fulfilling their legal obligations, including visa sponsorship and reporting.

  • Document Preparation: We ensure accurate and complete documentation for immigration and settlement processes, minimizing delays and potential issues.

  • Crisis Management: In case of unexpected challenges, we can provide timely solutions to address visa or settlement-related crises.


Prioritizing settlement support for employees demonstrates a commitment to their holistic well-being and successful integration into New Zealand's society and workforce. By partnering with us, employers can ensure comprehensive support, navigate complex immigration processes, and fulfill their obligations, ultimately creating a thriving workplace environment that benefits both employees and the organization.

Your immigration specialists

Jackie Qi - Support

Immigration News and Opinions.