Your Journey Starts Here

A tried and tested formula to make your move a success

A successful migration doesn’t happen by chance…it takes careful planning, thought and very thorough preparation. We have developed a fairly robust process that works for all our clients - it might need some small adjustments along the way, but in general these steps are what make your move a positive one. The following steps apply to most skilled migrants, so will vary slightly for those coming in under a family or business pathway.


Having identified your eligibility and outlining the process to you, your journey will start with a comprehensive and detailed set of written instructions. These will cover everything you need to know and secure in order to make your various applications work. Your first step is working closely with us to prepare these documents. This also includes working on your CV and job search strategies as well as preparing a Visitor Visa application, if required.


With your documents secured and Visitor Visa in hand, we now move on to the job search, which for most skilled migrants is a key step. This will usually involve you being in New Zealand, able to meet employers, network and be ‘visible’. We are not recruiters but we offer a lot of assistance to our clients in terms of where and how to look for the right type of employment (that will secure a Work Visa and ultimately Residence).


With the job offer in hand, we then move quickly to file your temporary Work Visas and Visas for your family (if required). As we will have already prepared your documentation as part of step 1, then we should be able to file your application for the temporary Visas very quickly and these will take between four and five weeks to process with Immigration New Zealand.


The final stage of the process will include your Residence application, although depending on the pathway you are following this might be immediately or in one, two or three years time. We will advise you of the appropriate timing for this, based on your initial eligibility assessment and as soon as we are able to apply we will do so. Again, our preparation in step 1 will mean we are ready to move ahead as soon as you are eligible to apply.

A successful migration is based on planning, preparation and good guidance - nothing should be left to chance. No matter what your situation might be or which pathway you are following, your road to success starts with us.